The Importance Of Sleep

The Importance Of Sleep

Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, and the inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles. Sleep timing is controlled by your circadian clock, and in humans, to some extent by willed behavior. Sleep is restorative, and without it people are unable to work, learn, create and communicate to their best potential.

Everyone experiences trouble sleeping from time to time but problems may occur when regular disturbances happen frequently and these can begin to affect your daily life. In fact, with time, a lack of sleep can lead to mental and physical breakdown. It has been reported that long periods of sleep deprivation can cause insanity but studies show that even small bouts of insomnia can wreak havoc on one’s quality of life.

Adequate sleep is important in so many ways. It has been shown to keep the immune system responsive and healthy whereas sleep loss can impair the immune system’s function.

When we sleep, our metabolic rates reduce, and free radical production is decreased, allowing restorative processes to take over. Sleep also supports higher-level cognition functions such as decision-making, reasoning and memory. Sleep deprivation can cause mood disorders, inflammation in the body, memory impairment, fatigue, metabolic disturbances, problems with decision making, and the list goes on.

You can improve your sleeping habits with these sleep promoting techniques and considerations that can be easily integrated into your evening routine.

Below are some tips to help you get a better night’s sleep:

1. Improve your nutrition and exercise habits. Be sure to get plenty of daily exercise and avoid heavy meals before going to bed, caffeine and alcohol.

2. Reduce stress and learn to relax. If they are uptight from a busy day, it may be hard to relax to be able to fall asleep easily. Practice deep breathing exercises, take a hot bath or shower, and learn some medication techniques.

3. Design and use your bedroom for sleep. If you turn your bedroom into a work space, workout room, or something other than a place of rest or sleep, you are likely to feel stimulated at the wrong times. Remove electrical devices, unwanted noise, and adjust temperature so your bedroom is comfortable. Make sure your bed is comfortable and your room is dark.

However, even when setting the best intentions to get a good night’s sleep, sometimes other factors get in the way. Insomnia can occur from hormonal fluctuations that are beyond one’s control such as during menopause or due to premenstral syndrom. Stress can lead to a sleepless night, medication side effects, certain foods and many other factors can cause insomnia that are beyond our level of control in many cases. When this occurs, it is reassuring to know that there are lots of natural remedies and alternatives that are mild and safe for everyday use. For instance, The Som Sleep Formula has helped countless people enjoy a better night’s sleep without experiencing any side effects or addiction.  It works naturally by supplementing the natural melatonin that your body already produces. There are even products on the market today that can help kids with insomnia that are completely safe and natural. Don’t you think that it’s time that you took charge of your sleeping habits and located the right sleep aid for you? We are happy to help! Check out one of our sponsors down below.