Holistic Living In A Toxic World

Holistic Living In A Toxic World

There is no doubt that we live in a world that’s filled with toxins such as pollution, pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, heavy metals, and other chemicals known to cause cancer and other diseases. The CDC reports that there are more than 400 environmental chemicals and their metabolites measured in human samples (e.g. urine, blood, serum, breast milk, and meconium).

So what can we do to practice holistic living and minimize our exposure to such toxins?

The first step is to be aware of what is toxic and what isn’t in order to avoid toxins found in food and water. Then the next step is to make lifestyle changes known to improve health.

To avoid toxins, it’s important to know the ingredients of what you’re being exposed to. Below are some common ingredients found in many different products that can cause harm to human health:

BPA – BPA is an industrial chemical used to make resin and plastics. It has been shown to have negative effects on brain health, the prostate, to fetuses and children. Additional research suggests a possible link between BPA and increased blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Solution: Avoid storing leftover food in plastic containers, drinking bottled water or other products stored in plastic containers. When eating packaged or canned food, look for labels that are BPA free.

Oxybenzone – Oxhybenzone is a hormone disruptor, affecting estrogen production in women and testosterone production in men. It is found in sunscreen and lip balm.

Solution: Use sunscreen products or cosmetics that don’t contain any Oxhybenzone and instead use naturally derived minerals like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to protect against UV rays.

Fluoride – Fluoride is recognized as a neurotoxin. It can also cause tooth discoloration, weakness in tooth enamel, thyroid dysfunction, acne, cardiovascular problems, neurological issues, joint problems and reproductive issues.
Solution: Shop for toothpaste that is fluoride free.

Pesticides and Herbicides – Pesticides and herbicides are known to cause cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, ADHD, Autism and birth defects. Glyphosate-based herbicides, such as the well-known “Roundup,” can cause DNA damages and act as endocrine disruptors in human cells.

Solution: Shop for organic produce and food whenever possible. Avoid processed foods and commercially grown food that is not USDA certified organic. Avoid wheat and consider eating a gluten free whole foods, plant-based diet.

Mercury, Aluminum and other Heavy Metals – The most common methods of mercury exposure occur from occupational and environmental settings, dental amalgams, and contaminated fish. Aluminum lined cans or cooking food wrapped in aluminum foil is also harmful to human health.

Solution: Avoid allowing food to become heated or stored in aluminum foil or aluminum cans. Store food in glass jars or glass containers instead. Buy staples in bulk to avoid exposure to heavy metals. Do periodic kidney or liver cleanses to remove heavy metals from the body.

Besides avoiding the most common toxins, it is recommended to exercise regularly 3-5 times per week and find ways to minimize stress and avoid repression of emotions. Getting fresh air and sunshine every day and it is also important to ensure that you are not nutrient deficient in minerals and nutrients especially in Vitamin D and Vitamin C. Be sure and supplement your diet with these important nutrients and also increase your antioxidant intake to help remove any free radicals that exist in the body from toxins