Tea 101
Tea is a common beverage made from steeping processed Camellia sinensis leaves in hot water. Numerous studies show that tea might have some excellent health benefits. However, all teas are different, and some might offer more benefits than others.
Tea made in the traditional way (called the orthodox method) retains the sophistication that natural soil, and climatic factors induce. Tea packed at source, retains freshness and in particular, tea that maintains the purity of its origin – single origin, single region or single estate tea – is best.
Tea is hygroscopic. It absorbs moisture, odors and fragrance. Store your tea in an airtight container and keep it away from moisture, heat, light and other odors. Store it in a cool dry place never warmer than 86F (30C). For medium term storage, keep your stash of tea in an airtight foil pouch or in a ceramic container in the refrigerator.
Use this guide to learn about the most common teas and their health benefits.
Black Tea – Black tea is an energy booster. This tea is made from the same plant that’s used to make green tea. However, the leaves are dried and fermented, giving black tea a darker color and richer flavor. This tea accounts for roughly three quarters of the world’s consumption, which isn’t that surprising considering it has the highest levels of caffeine at around 40mg per cup, making it perfect for a pre workout booster or a morning drink. It also contains flavonoids that combat inflammation and support healthy immune function.
Ginger Tea – Thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties, this herbal tea is a perfect post-workout brew as it can help to soothe aching muscles. It can also help fight morning sickness, nausea and relieve joint pain. You can also make it from a slice of fresh ginger or half teaspoon powdered ginger, just by adding it into a cup with boiling water.
Green Tea – Green tea originates from China and Japan. It can help speed up metabolism to burn more calories, making it a popular supplement for weight loss. It is exceptionally high in flavonoids that can help boost your heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and reducing blood clotting. Studies also show this type of tea can help lower blood pressure, triglycerides and total cholesterol. It’s also packed with potent antioxidants that can help prevent certain forms of cancer. For maximum impact, drink the matcha variety, made with powdered green leaves, that contain even more antioxidants than regular green tea.
Chamomile Tea – Chamomile tea is made from the flower of the same name. This sweet beverage has been found to reduce anxiety and stress, making it a perfect choice for improving sleep and relaxation. Bonus: it can also help to alleviate chesty coughs.
Peppermint Tea– Peppermint tea’s minty brew contains menthol, which can improve mobility in your digestive tract to help relieve the symptoms of upset stomach, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and motion sickness. This tea variety can also offer pain relief from tension headaches and migraines. It’s an easy herb to cultivate in your garden, for a homegrown cup. Just dry the leaves and add boiling water.
Oolong Tea – Oolong tea is a traditional Chinese tea variety that’s made from the same plant used to make green and black teas. The difference is in how it is processed. Oolong tea contains l-theanine, an amino acid that reduces anxiety and increases alertness and attention. It is also high in polyphenols, which are linked to lowering inflammation, preventing the growth of cancers and decreasing type 2 diabetes risk.
White Tea – White tea has a delicate and smooth taste that is native to China and India. The leaves are picked when very young. This variety of tea contains the least amount of caffeine at just 15mg per cup. It has high levels of polyphenols, which strengthen the elastin in your skin to help combat wrinkles. It’s also high in antioxidants and contains a high source of fluoride, catechins and tannins, which can be beneficial to teeth and oral health.