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Natural Weight Loss Revealed


Learn what causes weight gain and how to tackle it once and for all. This eBook walks you through everything you need to know about how to incorporate common-sense nutritional eating along with exercise methods that will keep the weight off for good.

Number of Pages: 81

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Learn what causes weight gain and how to tackle it once and for all. This eBook walks you through everything you need to know about how to incorporate common-sense nutritional eating along with exercise methods that will keep the weight off for good.

Number of Pages: 81

Table of Contents:

Introduction. 4

Why Lose Weight?. 6

Physical appearance. 6

Health Concerns. 7

Overweight and obese. 8

Why We Gain Weight. 10

Consumption of calories.10

Reasons for weight gain. 11

Low Metabolism. 11

How you eat. 12

Your genetic makeup.12

Exercise. 13

Is society partly to blame?. 14

Good Nutrition. 15

Your calorie intake. 15

Tracking your calories. 16

The food we eat. 17

High-fat foods. 17

High-carb foods. 18

Where do we go from here?. 21

Getting Active. 23

Exercise in your life. 23

The case for exercise. 23

Exercise in your home. 24

Light exercise. 26

Moderate exercise. 27

Heavy exercise. 28

Finding an exercise program that is right for you. 29

What Diets Are Out There?. 31

The Plans. 3

The Atkin’s Diet. 31

Typical Low Carb Diet. 33

Low fat diet. 35

Weight Watchers / Jenny Craig. 37

Diet Pills. 38

Our Plan For Losing Weight. 41

Exercise. 42

Nutrition. 43

Setting up a plan for you. 44

Conclusion. 48

Useful Websites. 49


Note: This is not a physical product. This product is a digital eBook for download. 


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