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Carb Cycling


Looking to lose weight or increase muscle mass? Carb Cycling is a great way to accomplish both. When done correctly, alternating high carbohydrates with low carbohydrates can boost appetite-regulating hormones, increase metabolism, and so much more.

Number of Pages: 81

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Looking to lose weight or increase muscle mass? Carb Cycling is a great way to accomplish both. When done correctly, alternating high carbohydrates with low carbohydrates can boost appetite-regulating hormones, increase metabolism, and so much more.

Number of Pages: 81

Table of Contents:

Introduction…. 4
Chapter 1: Benefits of Carb Cycling…. 7
Do I Need to Lose Weight?…. 7
Am I a Bodybuilder?….11
Chapter 2: What Does Carb Cycling Involve? …. 17
Carb Cycling – The Basics …. 17
Is Carb Cycling the Same as Keto? …. 19
Chapter 3: What Does a Carb Cycling Diet Look Like? ….. 23
What do I eat on a High Carb Day? …. 23
What Do I Eat On A Low Carb Day?…. 24
What Does A Week-Long Carb Cycling Plan Look Like? …. 25
Chapter 4: How Does Carb Cycling Help with Weight Loss? …. 35
Chapter 5: Are There Other Benefits to Carb Cycling?…. 39
Chapter 6: What do I Need to Remember About Carb Cycling? …. 42
Get it Right for You…. 42
Calories and Protein ….. 45
Chapter 7: Types of Carb Cycling…. 49
Chapter 8: Which Foods Are Good On A Carb Cycling Regime? …. 54
What Are Good Carbs? …. 54
Good Fats and Proteins ….. 60
Chapter 9: Sample Carb Cycling Programs …. 63
Chapter 10: How do I get Started with Carb Cycling? …. 73
Conclusion …. 79

Note: This is not a physical product. This product is a digital eBook for download. 


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